NooBaa Blog

Our thoughts and updates

It's Time to Leave Stealth Behind

The last week in August was an experience time that we’ll never get to repeat. We used VmWorld 2016 as a venue to launch our company, breaking out of stealth with the announcement of our Community Edition product. For a company like NooBaa, this is a pivotal moment for the whole team; the marketing effort to tell the world that we’re here, the engineering effort to deliver a trustworthy and delightful customer experience, and for the team at large a great chance to absorb everything they could about the IT world around us. So although VmWorld isn’t necessarily a conference about Petabyte data challenges, it’s perhaps the world’s best proxy for the enterprise IT marketplace, full of opportunities, competitive threats, partnerships, and industry support.

“We're done with stealth! Let's ship this product!"

 We flew the entire engineering team from our Ness Ziona office outside Tel Aviv to Vegas, allowing them to engage directly with customers and partners. It gave everyone the chance to think not about code and bugs and functions, but to think about benefits, and why customers would want to use the product, and why customers need those features. It also highlighted for everyone the great challenge in delivering a killer 30-second elevator pitch! The learning curve was steep but fun, and a critical step in coming out of stealth and exposing our product to the market.


So how did it go? It was AWESOME!!!! Here are some  highlights:

NooBaa is out of Stealth,
customers are downloading and installing our frictionless storage,
and we’re looking forward to a huge future for the company!


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